Hiking over the hills

I have been on a massive bush walk for the last year or so. There have been any ups and downs along this path. Walking towards new opportunities of growth and self discovery and facing some difficulties along the way.

I have been walking through a lush rainforest, over boulders, hiking up over the hills and looking down on a magnificent view. This is only the beginning of my journey. As I look back over the last year I have experienced so many lows than I have actually acknowledged or even want to share that have been so hard to bare. I have just soldered on through it all. I have had some incredible help and support but also many let downs that have made me restart my feelings.


As I write this blog the weather is exactly like that day last year. One morning my father died suddenly in a car crash while going on holidays. It was one the worst days of my life. I was alone at home and there was a knock at my door. When the policemen told me I actually had an out of body experience and could see myself as I was looking down. I saw my self brace against the weight of the news near my doorstep. I had many questions to ask because of the way he died and even today I still have no reasons. One of the hardest parts is to accept never knowing how it happened. I have come to the realisation that it was a gift to have my Father in my life for just 29 years and what an amazing and strong person he really was. After his death I had to go through his personal belongings and I found some very interesting things. I actually got to know him and appreciate him more as an adult after his death. I really can say that I am proud to call him my Dad.

One the hardest times in my life has been the last few months from dealing with the headaches and nightmares aftermath. I went away for a week to just have a time to myself and cleanse my mind. It was fantastic and I could really start to feel myself coming back to the surface after two years of sadness and heartache. When I came home I felt recharged and full of energy. I completed a 5 day cleanse program which I blogged previously. I struggled with my thoughts of cravings, weakness and giving up but I succeeded. Following the cleanse I felt energised and refreshed. Throughout the process I completed some helpful life coaching, self-care practices and journalling. However over the next couples of months or so I felt a weight above my shoulders coming back,  becoming more frustrated and lost. I was not aware of this happening until I had regressed. I am now on the right side and slowing getting there.

Have you even felt like you started to turn the right way but you chose the wrong path instead?


My Life Coach and I have been working together dealing with my fears and lack of self-love. It has really helped me and I will continue to go through some inner work and self-discovery. I am accepting those fears and I can go deeper than the superficial junk crowding my thoughts.

Beginning of my journey to becoming a better me, I decided that I want to help people through difficult times and provide them with the best guidance I can possibly give. I want to become a Life Coach. Not quite sure which part of Life I will concentrate on yet. I have experienced a lot of troubling times but also really empowering ones all before I turned 30.

I have enrolled at the well known Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York to become a Certified Health Coach. I am approximately a quarter way through and its fantastic.  There have been tens of thousands of graduates who have completed this course. I have learned so much so far and slowly becoming healthier and fitter. My path to wellness began when I saw an interview about the troubles of sugar back in 2011. All the ideas are starting to come into focus and I am loving it.


Some of my personal self-care practices

Have a nice cup of tea or your favourite coffee or a glass of wine

Learn to cook a new meal

Write 3 things down what you are grateful today, everyday

Curl up with a good book or the latest magazine

Run a bubble bath and make it extra special by adding some epsom salts and essential oils

Dry Body Brush

Light a scented or beeswax candle

Learn Meditation-take 10 minutes to lie down and bliss out

Phone a friend or relative-near or far

Drink a green smoothie

My glowing smoothie>kale, baby spinach, coconut water, Spirullina,

banana,frozen berries, avocado, mesquite powder and bee pollen


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